Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We were fighting for our independence you were fighting to enslave us

I was just looking at some of my previous entries and noticing a penchant for putting words in the wrong place. I think maybe im typing too fast or perhaps not throughly reviewing my final product but it is irriatating. My brain aches as I attempt to wake up at some kind of normal hour. Twelve noon is not the morning. Normal people don't wake up that late still I persist. Feel tired but still not weary enough to pass out but without enough energy to do anything quite yet. Its interesting the kind of marketing schemes food companies use to make their products seem more healthy. Recently i've noticed alot of 'trans-fat free' or 'organic' on almost everything. From healthy things to bags of chips. Even though it is not explicitly stated that 'trans-fat free' is healthier it is clearly implied. Still I think for the most part organic things taste better. A good example of this is penut butter. There is definatly a noticable difference in taste between say Teddy organic penut butter and something like Peter Pan. Less sugary more dankess more square inch. Having a really hard time articulating myself on this fine morning.

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