Sunday, August 17, 2008

I've had the time of my life.

UGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the sentiment seemed to sum up the whole of my thought during the past few weeks. Staring into a black space with little redeeming qualities. Can either quite where i'm working or move on and try to deal with it. Still the job itself is feeling more and more unmotivating by the minute and the morons I deal with more and more intolerable. Tried to call some weird chatting service I saw on tv and I guess no one wanted to talk to me. Oh well their loss anyway. Fucking stupid bullshit. Wish I could just go to the firing range and shoot some pistols and machines guns at random targets. Feel generally depressed and depressing bored with my own benign laments. Its a story which has little merit or interesting aspects and one which I would be wholly uninterested in if it weren't my own. Even if I do get out of it this fucking job is going to drive me insane and i'm going to tell someone to go to fucking hell if it doesn't end soon. So many assholes, so little time. It truly all seems somewhat hopeless and insurmounatable soetimes a massive demon that cannot be conquered. I know some people that are my peers that have gone to other cities, other countries and accomplished so much more then I have. I have set the bar low for myself in pretty much ever aspect in my life and the results are quite noticeable. Little achievement, little follow through and even less motivation.

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