Friday, August 15, 2008

The Clark kent of our time

The feelings of flith and ruin have subsided somewhat. Replaced by only a general sense of loathing. I feel like a almost derive some sort of strange satisfaction in wallowing in my own misery. Its like a kind of crutch I hold unto, a kind of excuse for a lack of productivity and general moping. True it seems as if the times are difficult but perhaps as they say the trying times are when we are given the best oppurtunities to excel. I don't know if its just me i've noticed there seems to be a section of people in this world who enjoy giving other people derisive startes for no apparant reason. This woman at the Y where I go to work out is a prime example. Older lady maybe and her fifties or sixties, at the desk and whenever I go to give my card I am given a look as if I was the Devil himself. Sometime when I am heading upstair I will take a quick sidelong glance at the clock in the control desk and I will recieve the same glare as if I were some kind of shoplifter at a store. I can't tell if its some strange kind of personal bias towards me, sense I have had no real interaction with her at all, or perhaps some kind of general animous towards young people in general. Either way it irks me to no end.

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