Sunday, November 16, 2008

We got to get over the hump

Fuck. It is now almost nine in the morning and I have been going since sometime around four thirty yesterday afternoon. There is a host of things I must do today and I feel wholly unprepared for any of it. Well not really a host but really like two things I need to do. Still i am amazed I have been going this long usually the steam would have long since wore out. Awkward interactions late in the night. Strange how female friends are such a strange beast. Probably shouldent have hooked up with her in the first place didnt realize shit would get so weird. The weird weather has subsided somewhat. Don't want to absolutely alienate anyone and everyone with whom I know enjoy cordial relations. Thats what is interesting about human relations. I could right now easily alienate and completly freak out pretty much everyone i know yet it seems the far more difficult task of cultivating good favor and friendship amongest a large amount of people. Perhaps it is easy to be an asshole all the time. Especially if you are not particularly aware of it.

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