Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tell me 'friend' when did Saruman the wise abandon reason for madness?

So I have been away for the past week in Merry old England the country of some of my ancestors. Times have been good sceanary nice and altogeather the experience a good one. Still I must return to the horrible grind next week and I find myself pondering the various things and issues I feel that need some resolving. All and all though it has been good to get away from all the horribleness of it. Pregnant women are wholly unattrative in my veiw. I know that is entirely out of context of what I am writing about but somehow I feel it worth mentioning. I find them entirely repulsive something that should not be seen in the open public. But it is all in the same vein I have a vitriol loathing and general distaste for humanity in general. But in a good way. I think I find myself thinking more about all the bullshit because I know my return is soon and all the issues confronting me before will still be there. I wonder how people put so much faith in the presidency in the office of one man to solve all the complex issues of a nation when governing ones own personal life seems quite a hurdle in and of itself. There is indeed only so much one person can do and the systems is already set up in a certain way.

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