Sunday, August 23, 2009

The only one that called me was the fatty

Bill sped down the open road his eye fixed upon the white lines in the center. The rain was coming down in torrents, buckets, thick drops as if the clouds were unloading every last bit of moisture contained withthin them. Still Bill drove, oblivious to the massive tempest unleashing itself upon the earth. He had consumed several glasses of scotch yet he felt clear and intense as if all his faculties were gathered in perfect harmony. Revenge was his object. Bill had the means to obtain this goal, he had the will. A loaded .44 sat in his glove compartment and a full dose of vitriol and venom lay within his soul. Bill remembered a long time back that living well was the best revenge, to let bygones be bygones to let things slide. However Bill had never been one to subscribe to this notion. To him getting revenge was the best revenge. Vicious, cruel, horrible revenge in the most extreme way possible. It was tit for tat every sinlge injustice done to him would be responded by a justice far worse and more extreme than the original crime. In Bill's mind it was simple mathematics, everything had to be righted to be made so everything was on an even kilter. In Bill's line of work this attitude was not only tolerated, but recommended. To not exact payment, or to allow something like that to slip was a clear sign of weakness. To show any sign of weakness was all but an invitation to allow all manner of competition to rush in and exploit that weakness. By the time it was all over all of his operation would be defunct, kaput, taken over by more bold adversaries. But Bill had never been that type of operator. When he felt something wrong had been done to him or someone was cheating him he found out the truth and if the rumours were indeed true, head would roll. People would die, dissapear, never to be found again. Bill was an expert at making people dissapear and also adept at thinking up a damn good alibi for himself after. This one would be more difficult as his target was more linked to him and he intended to carray out the grisly work himself. Still he had confidence in his abilities. Bill knew
he would likely be questioned in regard to the suspects wherabouts but that without clear evidence nothing would come of it. Because he intended to have nothing be found, not a single scrap of fiber, skin, nothing. The person would just dissapear.

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