Saturday, August 29, 2009

Good idea pt 1

Joe waited outside the large brick building shivering slightly as a cold wind caught him sending chills down his body. He paced slightly as he waited, nervous in anticipation of what he was about to participate in. The apartment building was a dark, brick, somewhat run down affair, as if it had been neglected for some time. The door to the inside was locked to keep out the derilects who sometimes attempted to get in and sleep. This is crazy, Joe thought as he paced up and down the sidewalk. Break in's, robbery, it was not his bag. But his friend Alan had described it in a way that had made it hard to resist. Free bud, scales, bowls, maybe even cash. Enough to set them up good if they played the cards right. And of course, the perfect target. A drug dealer, someone who could never call the police even if they wanted to. 'Hey, you ready?' Joe was awakened from his thoughts by Alan. 'Yeah, just feeling a little nervous.' 'Ah it will be fine, lets smoke this jay.'Alan suggested. 'You got some?' Joe asked. 'Obviously.' Alan reached into his pockets and extracted a medium size bone. He took out his lighter and started torching it, 'Right here?' Joe asked. 'Why not?' Alan said as he inhaled. He passed it over to Joe, 'You see you worry too much. You overthink everything. Make it more complicated than it has to be.' Joe took a large rip and handed it back to Alan. 'So run his all by me again.' Joe said. Alan took another hit and handed it back. 'Ok this Russian kid Anatoly, kind of an asshole sells a shitload of bud lives on the thrid floor. He's gone back to the motherland for a month, so all we got to do is get in kick down the door and take what we need and get out.' Alan passed the joint to Joe which was getting smaller. 'First of all how do you kick down the door, second won't that make alot of noise?'
'There's a weak point in the door, if you kick hard enough you can bring it down. Second this building is filled, with drug dealers, crazies, and prositutes no ones going to do shit even if they do hear anything.' The joint was done by now and Joe was feeling slightly more at ease. They moved closer toward the door. Joe had seen little activity coming in or out from the building in the 45 minutes he had been standing outside. Suddenly he noticed a figure coming toward the door. The man opened it and Alan eased his way in and Joe followed suit. The man eyed them warily but seemed unproturbed. The hallway had a musty odor, with the faint undertone of booze. 'Alright lets do this.' Alan said as they ascended the stairs.

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