Monday, August 10, 2009


The figure across the street looked weak, emaciated, and seeming to have trouble walking as it lumbered slowly down the street. Frank watched it as he pumped gas into his semi, it looked like a man but there was something amiss. The way it walked suggested a drunk, perhaps a derelict on a bender yet that also defied logic. The truck stop was in the middle of a rural area and the nearest town had to be at least a mile away. Frank had taken the first exit he could see for gas as he had been driving for 17 hours straight. It was quite possible that his eyes were playing tricks on him or there was some kind of feasiable explanation for a man walking on a rural road at two in the morning. The figure moved closer by now about 30 feet away down the street plodding towards the truck stop slowly and methodically. It had been unusually hot the past few days and Frank could feel sweat gathering upon his brow as he finsihed pumping. Something was wrong here, something told him he did not want to find out exactly what the man's purpose was at this late hour. Frank sensed strongly the need to get out of there and back on the road. There was an eerie silence which rapt the air with only the buzzing of myriad insect filling the night air. Frank walked up to the gas pump and slid his card. He pressed the button selecting his method of payment and waited as the machine processed it. The man had crossed the road by now and Frank could see him more clearly as he entered the streetlight. The eyes had a glazed over look and he could see also the open wounds which dominated his face. His flesh seemed to be peeling off by the minute as he slowly walked toward the gas station. He looked like the walking dead. Fank watched as his card finally processed and quickly got back into his truck. Frank quickly gunned the engine as the creature was now closing in on his truck. He could hear it emit a low groaning sound which sent a chill down his spine. Whatever that thing was he knew it wasn't human and he didn't want to find out what. As he drove off he heard a thud against the passenger door. The creature lunged at his veichle but not quite fast enough. Frank looked into his rearview mirror and saw it continue toward the gas station. Something fuckin strange in his town, he thought as he heading toward the highway.

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