Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm pickin up good vibrations

So its been awhile since I rapped on this thing. And few things have changed but still some things stay the same. I think I would be a good raiseing children in 1902. I remember reading that back then people were more stoic and less emotive and the concept of childhood had not yet fully evolved. Children were thought of as little adults and dressed and expected to act as such. I think for me the number one thing that would piss me off about raiseing kids would be the constant shout and loudness and strange irrationtal behavoir. Also I was pondering about life in the 1850s. The impetus for this thought came as I saw a notice that the power was going to be cut off in our apartment for a few hours in the morning because of some kind of surge. I knew that certain people had calling cards which specified the times in which someone could call on another person. I coulden't help but wondering if someone came in and just popped in at someones house would it be acceptable. What would be the standards for social conduct in an era without means of notifying someone beforehand?

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