Thursday, February 16, 2012

Its not like these old school guys who just take it out when their inner voice tells them.

Traditions can be a good thing. Personal rituals the sometimes individuals have or even our holiday traditions. They can bring people together and harbor a sense of community among groups of people. But some traditions well, they need to be discarded. The Aztec's sacrificed thousands of people to the gods. A passage in the Old Testament of the Bible instructs readers to stone anyone who is not a believer. Also it proscribes the death penalty for anyone caught working on a Sunday. Thankfully the majority of Christians in the modern world do no follow these kinds of policies. Sometimes, however, traditions can be a obstacle to progress. Take the Catholic Church's recent anger over President Obama's requiring them to cover the cost of birth control as part of their health insurance. A furor. Really? In this day and age. Besides the fact that in my view the Catholic church has not moral leg to stand on what with the Spanish inquisition and the waves of pedophile priests recently outed, but this stance just seems outdated in this day and age. 7 billion people in the world projected to grow substantially in the next decade. Its true a few hundred years ago when a lot of people worked on farms and needed the hands having 6-10 children made sense. But in this day and age? And a majority of those children in those days would not survive to adulthood. Abraham Lincoln lost his mother, his father, his sister, his first love all in his youth. But things have changed. And I feel that as times change even long last institutions most change with them. Hell even the Amish will sometimes use a neighbors phone if they need to. Some of the extreme pro-lifers even oppose condoms in places like South Africa where AIDS is rampant. At some point this adherence to tradition simply blocks any kind of effort to move forward and does a disservice to humanity at large.

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