Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A working class hero is something to be.

Its 10 at night and I don't want to go to work. More then anything I see my freshly made bed with its warm sheets and I ponder just going back to bed. But besides the obvious fact that I need to work to live I also think about the many people in history who have worked, and who didn't want to and had to. The early mill workers in 19th century America working 12 to 14 hour days with only one day of reprieve. Of the soldier in the Civil War marching twenty to thirty miles sometimes with no shoes. Of the slaves toiling in the cotton fields of the south. Of the myriad of hardship and toil experienced by peoples of all races and genders throughout history. In reality in truth by that measure I have it easy. In fact me just being born in the first world with running water and toilets and heat I have it easy. So when I think of it from that prospective I throw on my work garb and head out into the cold starlit night.

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