Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Theres still I chance to save Han.

During a really funny Seinfeld episode Elaine starts dating a guy who was moving Jerry's couch. Earlier on in the show it is revealed that she is an ardent pro-choice advocate even going so far as to not order Pizza from a particular pizzeria whose owner gives money to pro-life groups. Later Jerry asks Elaine weather she knows her new boyfriends opinion on the matter. 'Well i'm sure hes pro-choice.' She says. 'How do you know? Jerry asks. 'Because hes so good looking.' Later on Elaine concocts a hypothetical scenario in which a friend of hers who got raped by her brother wanted to get an abortion. 'When we have enough people on the Supreme court we will repeal that law.' Her boyfriend replies much to Elaine's dismay. Still there is a lot of truth to it. I sure as hell know that I couldn't date some insane pro-life evangelical Christian no matter how good looking she was. We simply wouldn't square and it would lead to too many arguments. Things like this matter. Obviously to some people more then others. I got into a huge argument was a girl I was sleeping with once because she revealed she has a strange hatred of Middle eastern people. Everything before that about her seemed cool but then she went on to explain how they are the 'enemy.'Because of the war in Iraq and in fact viewed them as such. We got into a huge argument because well, I find that opinion abhorrent and quite frankly stupid. Its very easy to lump groups of people into one category and say a few things about them are always true. Black people aren't on time, Asian people are bad drivers, Jewish people are stingy, but it takes a hell of a lot more thought to realize that everyone is different and people behave differently. Of course sometimes the stereotype fits but in no ways does that validate the stereotype. I still find myself amazed that there are people who still use racist words unrestrained and still hold such views so strongly. I was talking to a co-workers of mine in Sommerville about a girl who worked there. I was saying she was cute and he lowered his voice and told me 'Yeah, but shes a nigger lover.' A felt goosebumps go up and down my spine and kind of shuddered. I thought I had stepped into a time portal into the fucking 1950's. Needless to say my opinion of the kid was lowered significantly.

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