Wednesday, June 3, 2009

None is more contemptiable then those who defile the way of Bushido

I was reading the newspaper today in the op-ed section about a late term abortion doctor George Tiller who was murdered by an extreme anti-abortion activist. There was a peice from someone who obviously was more favored toward the pro-choice side and one from a group calling itself 'operation rescue.' Anyhow the pro-life group article said that their were legal means to call attention to abortions moral injustice and not the vigilantism employed by the killer. At the end it stated, 'Tillers homicide must be denounced, but so should the killing of voer 45 million innocent babies through abortion,' not exactly an endorsement of the murder but still a certain sympathy for the killers motives. I coulden't help but thinking maybe a service was being done not having an extra 45 million human beings on the planet. First of all we are massively overpopulated to begin with, secondly there are many extenuating circumstances such as where the baby had a fatal condition or deformities of their health was at risk. Or in circumstances such as rape, incest, or maybe the person is just not prepared to be a parent at the point in time. Is it not something of a disservice to society to have individuals not truly prepared to raise their child raising them and having the child become a murderer, rapist, etc; So in these people minds all babies should be brought to term regardless of circumstances and situations. And some of these really pro-life segment mainly the catholics are against any form of birth control whatsover which in turn leads of aids, stds, and so forth. Of course by calling themselves 'pro-life' they paint the other side as 'anti-life' or even 'pro-death' and who would want to be identified with something like that.

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