Sunday, June 21, 2009

Nobody asked you to come in ten minutes early

Redundancy, complete and utter redundancy. The same thing ouccurring in the exact cycle day in day out with no change or alteration in the pattern. A maze whose turns and corners lead in the same path to the exact same place where you strated every single time. It all feels that way and yet somehow I feel detatched from it all as it holds no interest. Fuck. Drinking beer on another sunday again and I find myself feeling low and depressed. As Lenny said once in an episode of 'the simpsons,' 'nothing like a depressant to drive the blues away.' It is true it is strange to attempt to cure ones woes with something that only execerbates them. But still you start to feel good on some level, numb to what you would otherwise feel without it. It becomes like a companion to you, a friend which will always be by your side to cheer you up. To clean away the horrors of the day to make you oblivous to the world.

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