Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Its so rude to honk your horn

I was watching this movie on late at night a few weeks ago on tv. It was on from 2am to around 4am but I had to see how it ended. It was certainly well worth staying up for. It's called Mississippi Burning and it shows some of the most brutal, ugly downright evil side of the human character. It follows the exploits of two FBI agents Wilhem Dafoe and Gene Hackman who are sent down to Mississippi in 1964 to investigate the dissappearance of three civil rights workers from Chicago who were sent down to organize black voter registration. Dafoe and Hackman represent two characters seemingly at odds with each other; Dafoe an idealistic young agent from the justice department with a by the books attitude. Hackman a native Mississipian with a more unorthodox tough cop approach. At first Hackman's character seems more sympathtic to the Mississpian side constantly arguing with Dafoe. As they begin their investigation they both encounter suspicion and downright hostility from the local sheriff's office and from the people of the town in general. Also it becomes obvious that the deputy is an active member of the Klu klux Klan and likely a role in the dissapearance. For the first three quarters or so of the movie Dafoe tries all manner of conventional approaches, bringing in more agents, attempting to question the local black populace and the deputy and others. It soon becomes obvious that these tactics are inadequete to deal with the case, as witnesses are beaten, intimidated, houses and churches are burned and the complicity on the part of the local police and mayor becomes obvious. As I was watching this movie I became so pissed off so frusterated that these racist assholes seemed to have the other hand I almost wanted to turn it off but i had to see how it ended. Finally after disagreeing with Hackman for most of the movie Dafoe's charcter finally agrees to do things his way. First they bring in another agent from an unknown department who kipnaps the mayor and brings him to a shack. The agent a large African-American fellow tells the story of a boy from another town nearby who was castrated for looking a white woman. He then threatens to do the same to him if he doesn't tell him who was with the deputy that night. Also Hackmans finds out from the deputie's wife that he was involved. Slowly but surely the tide starts to turn as they get another Klan member of the posse to confess after revealing that his cohorts have already squealed. After they drive him around and ask him a few questions they drop him off in the black side of town. Hilarious. Thus through the use of several over unorthodox tactics they end up convicting most of the posse for civil rights violations. All and all it is a fascinating study of the dark side of humanity.

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