Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I analayzed bombing operations, and how to make them more effiecent

Fuck. Fuck it all. Its all wholly fucked anyhow. I hate women. Hate them all. Hate that I want them hate that they exist hate the whole concept of human procreation and the desire to do so. Hate people in general for holding this tenet up to such high esteem. The moron's the fuckin idiots are reproducing at a far greater rate then anyone of intellectual merit is and the feeling is to throw in the towel. Woman are like that fuckin Vietcong and seeming more elusive by the mintue. I don't know what the fuck to do and my befuddlement is becoming more intense by the mintue. I feel like I am destined to be celibate that I will never truly understand. It is defeatist thinking but there is no one to communicate with so maybe it makes sense. I need to put myself out there and do something. I am having fucking dreams about this shit now and women and having a diesel girlfriend and all that. I know its possible i just need to unlock the possiability.

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