Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fear will keep the local systems in line fear of this battlestation

A fine Saturday midmorning. One of those days I wish I had a duplicate, a doppelganger or a clone of some kind. Someone who I could dress like myself and punch and for me and work my shift while I was whiling away the day engaged in all manner of toomfoolery. Of course they would also have to be only semi-sentient and independent so I woulden't have to split part of my check with them. Well maybe a small portion. Alone again in this weird apartment contemplating many things. I yearn for something, anything. Activity of some kind new experiences anything of any stimulation. That perhaps is the saddest thing of all. If I did suddenly have some kind of circumstance where I did not have to work its unlikly I would be able to conjure up anything of interest at all. Likely I would be back here at this horrible computer doing this or something else. I need a freighter capable of intersteller transport. To flee. We cannot get out, a shadow moves in the distance, we cannot get out.

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