Sunday, March 22, 2009

Every day is horrible to you

I remember a few years back having an argument with my friend Joe about different senses of humor. I was talking about the Blue collar comedy tour and all the 'redneck' comedians that I so strongly detested. Foremost of them was 'Larry the cable guy', the one who looked the most redneck of them all. And I think the most terrifying thing about him is that he likely in reality resembles a large portion of the population in the south. Anyhow I was saying that a large portion of the redneck humor employed really base and obvious jokes. In essence I was saying that it was dumbed down comedy. Basically our argument centered mainly on my contention that there was different senses of humor that appealed to different people. For instance a fart joke or a slapstick routine compared to a good satire or a play on words. One is easy to understand and comprehend. The other is more subtle and crafted more intensely. I think just it seems its really common in a lot of comedies to employ obvious forms of humor and I find it depressing. Word

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Maxamize efficency

I was reading once Tuvan throat singing that it was developed by nomadic herdmans galloping alone on the vast steppes of Tuva. The isolation it was implied in a way inspired this unusual form of singing. I was wondering what other patterns of behavior might develop amongest individuals alone for a long time. Would you start to talk to yourself? Or end up having whole conversations? Create a vast paralell world with its own chracters. Like someone living by themselves for a long time. Perhaps the isolation could also be honed, someone alone with their own thoughts could write stories create intricate tapestries and worlds. Whatever else might be true and I know this from myself, it certainly creates in individual somewhat uncomfortable in large groups. A burden and a curse.

Fear will keep the local systems in line fear of this battlestation

A fine Saturday midmorning. One of those days I wish I had a duplicate, a doppelganger or a clone of some kind. Someone who I could dress like myself and punch and for me and work my shift while I was whiling away the day engaged in all manner of toomfoolery. Of course they would also have to be only semi-sentient and independent so I woulden't have to split part of my check with them. Well maybe a small portion. Alone again in this weird apartment contemplating many things. I yearn for something, anything. Activity of some kind new experiences anything of any stimulation. That perhaps is the saddest thing of all. If I did suddenly have some kind of circumstance where I did not have to work its unlikly I would be able to conjure up anything of interest at all. Likely I would be back here at this horrible computer doing this or something else. I need a freighter capable of intersteller transport. To flee. We cannot get out, a shadow moves in the distance, we cannot get out.

Monday, March 16, 2009

When I left you I was but the learner now I am the master

Chi levels feel quite low today. I hate the fact that over the past few years it has become somewhat fashionable for people to identify themselves as 'rednecks'. This strange celebration of yokels which usually coincides with the waving of the confederate flag really riles me up. Maybe my defination of redneck is different from those identifiying themselves as such but to me it conjured up images of racism, the KKK, lynch mobs and all the fun stuff. When I was in seventh grade in a small town in Massachusetts there were groups of kids in my school who thought of themselves as 'rednecks' and they were the most openly racist, douchebags in pracitcally the whole school. Perhaps it stems from that fact that white people sort of lack culture in some sense. By that I mean if your not strongly ethnic Irish, Italian, jewish etc; Your just an 'American' and what the fuck is that? Just some white person. Ahhh bad times. Need to raise chi levels to their proper place for tommorow.