Friday, July 25, 2014

Take back your cents, your dime and your dollar.

'And where they got Green from? Who the fuck knows. All I know is Green was an Arizona real estate hustler who barely had enough gas money to pick up his own fucking check.'


'I trust that Dave gave you the broad strokes of what were looking for in a candidate?' Steve Rogers asked. Alex Milton nodded, 'Yes, he did.' I thought I had this already, the job. This feels like another interview. He had already had two and on the second one Dave had assured him that the job was his, but this one felt like another grilling session. 'The culture,' Alex said. 'You need someone to change the culture of laziness and apathy that led to the fire.' 'Exactly,' Steve said, although his expression noticeably changed when Alex mentioned the fire. 'You see Frank was a good guy and a loyal employee of the company for many years, but Frank wouldn't stand up for himself. He had a hard time taking charge, telling people what to do. Actual managing. We tried to work with him over the years but obviously made little progress. The smoke breaks, employee's going outside for a half-hour 45 minutes at a time. These are the kinds of behavior we are looking to change over there. We think this Diner has the potential to make real money again and we need someone who feels as strongly about that as we do.' 'Absolutely,' Alex replied. 'What about this Gary person I've been hearing about?

Steve grinned, 'Alex, as far as Gary in concerned, all you need to know about him is that he's out. You're in. He just doesn't know it yet.' Nice, Alex thought. 'What we basically need is for you to come in, and take charge, change the paradigm.' 'So do you know when you're going to reopen?' Alex asked. 'We've almost completed the repairs, but we need to get the ok from the health inspector before we can resume operations. Tentatively we are thinking about a week or so, but we'll probably have you started about a week after opening. Do you have any other questions regarding the position?' Alex pondered for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should bring it up, but part of him felt it would be worth it to at least try. 'About the pay.. 'I know it's not what you're expecting.' Steve interrupted him. 'But I think based on Dave's endorsement and what I've observed interviewing you I think we can give you an extra dollar an hour.' 'Excellent.' Alex said. Steve stood up, 'Welcome aboard.' He said shaking Alex's hand. Going to have free reign, Alex thought to himself.

It was strange seeing all of them in the same room. All three shifts, some old, some young, quite a varying cast, Sam thought as he looked around. They were all gathered in the stools and booths of the restaurant, and it was interesting to see how the groups gathered together. Nick and Shelby from second shift sat with Zach, and also Kevin who had just started. Ed, from the overnight, who always seemed to look like he just woke up, with Jim and Judy. And John, the overnight waiter, who stood alone. Sam had seldom seen him sit down and had heard that he never slept, not in the sense that most people did. In long eight hour period. He would get off work at 8am and go run errands do things around the house, and then only sleep for one or two hour periods. He had gotten used to sleeping that way, Sam heard. It was hard to imagine. Sam had covered a few overnight's in the past, and when he had gotten out at 8 he had always been wiped. He had even gotten a six pack once after a shift, and had only drank two before passing out from sheer exhaustion.

Sam was sitting with Andrea in a booth by themselves. He was still somewhat possessive of her, as if he was afraid someone would come and take her away at any moment. They had smoked a joint on the way over, and we're feeling giggly. 'I wish we could have a burger, or some onion rings.' She said. 'Yeah, definitely.' 'Don't you want to introduce me to some of you're co-workers?' She asked. Sam nodded. He wasn't really sure why he brought he here, mainly so he wouldn't be alone here. But in the back of his mind he knew part of it was showing off. They had been sitting in a booth in the corner at first, still waiting for everyone to arrive. 'You know you don't have to be anti-social all the time.' She commented. 'Yeah I know.' Sam said and got up to rise. She seemed to have a lot of commentary like that. What he should do, pointing out little things and little nitpicks. She usually did it with a playful smile, but sometimes it wore on him.

Sam saw that Zach and Kevin were outside smoking cigarettes at the picnic table. 'Hey, Zach.' He began. 'What's going on?' Zach said. 'This is my girlfriend Andrea.' Zach smiled and shook her hand, 'I work at the liquor store, that's how we met.' She said giggling. 'That, figures.' Zach replied. They all laughed, Sam pretended do, but deep down it hurt. Did she have to mention that. Kevin got up, 'I'm Kevin.' He said to her. 'Nice to meet you.' She said shaking his hand. 'We've been closed for a long time now.' Sam said. 'Yeah,' Zach remarked. 'It sucks were starting back up now, I've been getting pretty nice checks.' Zach explained that the checks were based on the hours you worked right before the fire and he had been doing 50 plus hours up to that point. 'Yeah but I'm glad were going to be back up and running again.' Sam replied. He could see how Zach would enjoy it, as a person with an active social life. Getting paid, and not working, hanging out doing things, it must have felt like a long vacation for him.

Sam looked inside and saw that Gary was started to speak, with everyone gathered around. 'It looks like they're starting,' Sam said, and they headed inside. 'Everyone who is still here,' Gary began. 'Is here, you had a few weeks you could have gotten other jobs. So listen up, the company has now put a lot of money into repairing this place and getting new equipment. So it's not going to be like before. And if you wanted something else you would have got it.' Sam looked around at everyone's expressions. 'Safety is going to be number one, and were going to have real camera's this time. It's not going to be the same.' Sam held back a chuckle, Yeah right, he thought. Nothings going to change around here.

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