Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm mad, i'm mad.

I was watching the show 'Gangland' on TV tonight and they were talking about the status of the biker's girlfriend in the gang. In the guidelines of the gang it says that women who are going out with someone in the gang are 'property', and basically goes on further about how they basically treat them like shit. However despite this one of the members said that women flock to them because of the allure, the power, somehow. Despite the fact that they are assholes to them they want to be with them. On another show a young women who is strung out on pills and drinking has a psychotic boyfriend who hits her and breaks down her door one time when he find it is locked. Something seems askew about all of it. Something wrong. Why are us men such assholes? And even more interesting why do women constantly date said assholes? It seems to defy logic and reason. People are fools by and large, sheep. Like when Lincoln got shot on Fords theater and it took the people in the audience a good ten minutes to react and go after John Wilkes Booth. Maybe it was just the pure shock but still. To me the mere fact that he was unguarded in the box to begin with with no real security to speak of in general is amazing. Granted it was the first Presidential assassination in American history but they had to have had some knowledge that there were people who there who wanted Lincoln dead. In fact during that era any person off the streets could come into the White house and gain audience with the president. Strange times that we live in these days.

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