Friday, August 13, 2010

Iglesias, Iglesias.

In first Lord Of the Rings movies Gandalf goes to confer with Saruman the leader of his order. He assumes that he will give him some kind of advice as to how to handle the problem of the one ring. As they talk Gandalf quickly figures out that Saruman has gone over to the dark side. To Sauron's side. Saruman asks Gandalf to join with him and Sauron to which Gandalf replies 'Tell me friend, when did Saruman the wise abandon reason for madness?'. I have abandoned reason for madness. I have thrown common sense and my own wellbeing aside and put in its stead insanity, and bedlam. Why do I do this? How does this make sense? Fuckin A. Can't even seem to talk to some woman online. Always got to be godamn competition. Nothing ever seems to go quite right.

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