Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am filled with inutterable loathing.

Sometimes I simply just do not understand human beings. Human nature. What exactly is it within some people that causes them to behave like complete jackoffs for no apparent reason. Why is it they seem to be so much interested in the affairs of others and in things that in general do no concern them in the slightest. Are they aware that they are going around every day behaving in a disgusting, abhorrent manner towards all around them? Or are they just generally oblivious to the abrasive nature of their general personality. I think most like the latter. They live in a delusional existence with their own warped sense of reality utterly divorced from the truth. I have this co-worker who is continually a pain in the ass. And I had an argument with her in which I disagreed with her. I with then told to 'go to hell and die'. And that I was an asshole. I did little to merit this response but I responded in kind 'no one here likes you.' Or something to that effect. Now given the abuse I had taken I could have actually responded with much harsher words than that but I held my tongue. But still it was nessacary to respond in some way instead of just roll over and be treated like an asshole. There was one point in my life where I would have done just that but that shit is over and I will no longer deal with that shit.

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