Wednesday, January 14, 2009

And if you like the wicked sound then clap man

Late at night I sometimes watch TV and I always see all these random commercials. They subjects of them vary, 'girls gone wild' is probably the most frequent of them with scantily clad young ladies strip down and do various things to each other. But also alot of get rich quick shchemes and weight loss ads. The adds for weight loss always or frequently seem to emphasize the message, 'lose weight without excercise.' And basically the entire theme of the ad was lose weight without doing anything. When has anything ever been accomplished without some kind of effort. What the fuck happened to suck it up and doing some fucking work. Put effort into it stop eating all the unhealthy shit, adjust your diet. Take the steps needed to accomplish your task. General Sherman in the civil war marched through miles of swamps in georiga with regiments ahead of him chopping down trees and making their own roads through miles of terrain. For god sake anything is possible and when you consider the spectrum of experiences the human race has been exposed to over the history of time. Slavery, opression, extermination and yet through it all somehow it had survived. Individuals have endured and even created a culture and kept hope throughout a very dark and hopeless era.
The slaves in America despite all the efforts of the slave masters and the system of slavery always had a strong understanding that what was being done to them was wrong. Despite all the efforts of a society to demote them to a lower caste in the world they still harbored hope and yearned to be free. People in America all of us have it so easy and we do not fully apperciate it. I was talking to a co-worker of mine who was talking about walking across the Sahara desert when he was nine was a group of people from his village who were fleeing from a civil war. I know for a fact that when I was nine years old that shit would have fucked me up. But it is truly a different reality. Different people experience different realities and their outlook on the world is shaped by these realities. I think the point is you should excercise, excercise is good it makes you feel good and look good. But more broadly I think there is just a general apathy among alot of people here. A sense of utter obilviousness about all around them. Although I am of course guilty of this myself but I try to recycle and I have always a sense of a broader picture. The remote control again and ingenius invention, but still it had something that has enabled us to literally sit in a chair and not have to move for long intervals of time. And then they also have chairs with refridgeratos built into them so one can eat a snack and watch tv without having to get up at all. Crazy man.

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