Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I say to myself its wonderful, wonderful

So recently Burger king has launched some sort of ad campaign/pubilcity stunt called the 'whopper virgins'. In it they go to remote areas of the world and find people who have never tasted a burger or know what a burger is and have them compare the big mac and the whopper. They have heralded it as the first 'pure taste test.' Out of sheer curiousity and not a small amount of boredom I went to the website on the commercial and watched the video. I watched a few minutes of it with the taste test and such and then I got to a part where they were going into these remote villages with a portable broiler and making burgers. I could not help but wonder if there was really some sort of insideous design for these people other then having them sampling and comparing two different burgers. Here is a people in a part of the world that has not been exposed to artery clogging, obesity inducing fast food. An entirely fresh market. Well by golly what a better market to expand out horrible franchise unto? It must have been somewhat difficult to find a part of the world where people had never heard of fast food. I say to these villagers, resist! its all bad! bad for you and your people. Dont let those corporate assholes trick you.

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