Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Drunkenness on the rise, morale at an all time low.

Zach had a strange feeling as he drove into the truckstop parking lot over to the diner. Something was definitely afoot, he thought. It was also good to come in expecting anything at the diner anyway. There was, he estimated at least a 50 percent chance something would be broke, someone would have called out, or something might be wrong. But this was different, this was something else. That instinct, the sixth sense that they said people had was strong, his 'spider sense', if you will, was tingling. He still had a slight hangover from the night before. It wasn't terrible as he had smoke a couple bowls before coming in, now driving up into the back, he thought he might feel the dreaded paranoia creeping in.

Zach pulled up near the back door, he could see Mike sitting out in the shed. As he got out he noticed that his was the only car parked there. Gary's not here, he thought. It was five minutes to four on a Friday, Gary was always there by then. Sure the guy was annoying sometimes, but damned if he didn't show up every day. Zach took a cigarette from his pack and walked toward the shed, 'Hey.' Mike said as he walked in, Zach nodded. He liked to have his time alone before work, and something about Mike had always seemed kind of off to him. The way he seemed to want to be everyone's buddy and go out to the shed all the time, yet he was at the same time always talking to Alex. Zach lit up his cigarette.

'I heard Sam got arrested in the center of town last night.' Mike said. 'Oh.' Zach replied. 'Who said that?' He asked casually. 'Jim and Judy. They saw him at the bar with you and Kevin and as they were driving home they saw him on the side of the road getting pulled over. Then Jackie heard from a cop she knew that he had gotten a D.U.I.' 'Shit, that sucks. Is he supposed to come in today?' Zach asked. 'Yeah, he said he'll be in at 5. You were with him was he totally hammered?' Mike replied. Who the fuck are you, the cops? Zach thought. 'I don't know he had a few beers, were all pretty buzzed.' 'You gotta be careful out there man.' Mike said finally. Zach looked at this phone, it was two minutes to 4, time to go, he thought. Zach put out his cigarette in the bowl that served as the ashtray and got up.

A gust of wind blew as he walked toward the back door, I think he's a fucking spy, Zach thought. He's definitely talking to Alex somehow, he thought as he walked inside. Though, it seemed strange, sense he was always outside constantly smoking weed with all of them. Still, that the genius of it. As he walked through the prep area he was greeted by the familiar diner scent, a mix a old grease, sweat, and despair. He walked up to the time clock and punched in his number. The board was clear of slips and he walked in, and Jeff one of the morning cooks, was slouched against the cutting board. 'Hey.' Jeff said as he walked out to the line. If have to hear about Sam's fucking D.U.I. again, Zach thought. 'One of our bosses got fired.' 'Which one?' Zach asked. 'Gary.' Jeff replied. 'What happened?' 'They were having an argument in the office, and Gary left. Later on Alex put up a note saying the Gary was no longer with us anymore.' 'Of course, a note.' Zach remarked. 'I heard they might offer you the job.' Jeff said. 'Yeah, maybe' 'Well you better speak up soon because Mike wants it bad.' 'Yeah.' Zach muttered. This was already far more conversation then he wanted to be having right now. After all he was still fairly stoned. Does everyone hear just talk about everyone else all the time? Zach thought as he walked out the kitchen to get coffee, he poured himself a cup, and a large cup of ice water. Don't they have anything better to do?

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