Thursday, January 12, 2012

I despise the law and I am not a law abiding citizen.

I was reading dear Abby in the recorder recently because that's just how I roll. And usually her answers to readers queries are reasonable and sound. However this time I just didn't agree. A reader sent her a question about a relative of hers who always brings in snacks and drinks and such into the movie to avoid paying the exorbitant charge of buys popcorn and snacks at the movies. Abby agreed with the reader suggesting the the movie theater makes a good portion of their money from concessions and that basically they were kind of screwing the movie theater. Another reader wrote in saying that they deal with kids in trouble with the law and that that kind of behavior basically says its ok to break that law. That is when I thought something was off. Violating a movie theaters snack policy will lead your children to a life of crime? They went on to say something that 'Its their policy,' but it made me think about people who believe in the law that much. Who believe that because something is the law that necessarily makes it just and indeed makes us as citizen obligated to obey it. I have to respectfully disagree. In face I would argue that if we as citizen of this nation have a history of lawbreaking in the most noble way. In the 19th century the Fugitive slave act made it a law that runaway slaves who were found had to be returned to their owners if found. Yet thousands of citizens defied that law and helped the slaves escape via the Underground railroad. They saw the law for what is was something that helped preserve the vile institution of slavery. The South had its Jim Crow laws and its voter registration laws which helped disenfranchise its Black population. My point being just because something is written as law does not mean its just, doesn't mean it makes sense and maybe shouldn't be followed. That is what struck me about the comment the blind obedience to something just because its policy. Or maybe they should have just made dinner at home before they go see the flick. Anyhow that's my two cents.

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