Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fuckin' A.

The Mob killed JFK. Well not the Mob by itself but the Mob in collusion with the CIA. At face value this seems absurd. Sure you say the Mafia is a violent ruthless organization but carry out a hit on the Chief executive of the United States? Fuhghedaboutit! Wrong I say because the Mafia had both the motivation and the capability at that time to make it happen. The Mafia in the 60's was a far more powerful vibrant organization than the mob of today. During the 1950's the Mob was making millions of dollars in revenue from the casino it had set up in Cuba. Thanks to their partnership with with dictator Flugencio Batista the Mob had free reign on the island. When revolutionary Fidel Castro and his band of rebels overthrew the despot in 1959 a lot of wiseguy's from Florida to Brooklyn were not happy. After all they were taking a huge hit financially and a wiseguy's biggest concern is money. Johnny Roselli of the Chicago outfit had collaborated with the CIA in the early 60's in various efforts to oust Castro and the failure of the Bay of Pigs in 1961 must have further roiled some tempers. Also there was the matter of JFK's brother Bobby who was doing everything in his power as Attorney General to make life hell for the mobsters. They were pissed about this because the patriarch of the Kennedy clan Joe Kennedy had used his influence with the Chicago outfit to help get JFK elected. Frank Ragano, Santo Trafficante's longtime lawyer recalled a conversation with the Mob boss years later in which the aging mobster told him in Sicilian 'We shouldn't have killed Giovanni.' It could have been just boasting, or was it?

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