Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Out of the blue and into the black


'My friends we got some real problems here.' John O'neil said as he took a sip of scotch. 'Someone is fuckin snitching and it ain't on our end.' Pasquale pondered these words as they sat in the backroom of Sal's pizzeria. It was Pasquale, John, and Vito the boss. Pasquale had risen to the rank of underboss by then but it only seemd to bring more problems. 'Major indictment they already arrested a few low level guys from the Cieceros and pretty it'll be alot more.' John had eight brothers and sisters and all of them had entrenched themselves in one positions or another in city politics. One was a detective, the other a district attorney, one was even an aide to the mayor. It was because of this that John had managed to blend so well into the Italian's inner circle. Normally they didn't trust non-Italains that well but John was a big shot with the teamsters and allowed them to profit enormously as well as himself in the process. 'So what do you suggest.' Vito said calmly from the back. Vito didn't speak much but when he did he commanded authority. 'I'd say just do some housekeeping, find out you seems weak and who seems strong. I know they got a few witnesses but they haven't released the names yet.' Vito nodded his ascent slowly. Vito and some of the other bosses had started to doubt John recently mainly because of his boozing. It had always been an issue but recently it had spiriled out of control. Oh well, Pasquale thought, we will see what happens.

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