Thursday, October 9, 2008

If you strike me down I shall become more powerful then you can possibly imagine

Native Americans really got the short end of the stick. In more ways then one. They lost all their land, saw most of their people murdered or killed from disease, and have become little more then a streotype in most depictions in American popular culture. At first they were the savages, little more then mindless attackers in various westerns. Recently though they I have noticed that they are always depicted as the wise men, the healers, the ones who have powerful insights that no one else seems to have. Even this though is a streotype. I was thinking it would be interesting to have a show that just shows them living their daily lives, sort of like an Indian 'seinfeld.' Just hanging out shooting the shit behaving like normal people. Of course indian culture has alot of mysticism in it but the whole thing is entirely overdone.

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