Wednesday, October 15, 2008

General Lee I have no division now

Finally managed to awaken beofore noon. Even before ten. At an hour which to me might as well be the very crack of dawn, 8:30. Got to work out get things done. Chi levels have gone from being wholly nonexistant to rising ever higher every day. The date of my birth as on Sat and hopefully I can summon the interests of maybe some of the very few people I know to come and hang out and drink beers with me on said date. Even the most mundane and subdued celebration would be better then nothing at all. Absorbed in the hilarious world of warcraft two amassing large armies across the fields of azeroth. Good times may just be lurking ahead...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

If you strike me down I shall become more powerful then you can possibly imagine

Native Americans really got the short end of the stick. In more ways then one. They lost all their land, saw most of their people murdered or killed from disease, and have become little more then a streotype in most depictions in American popular culture. At first they were the savages, little more then mindless attackers in various westerns. Recently though they I have noticed that they are always depicted as the wise men, the healers, the ones who have powerful insights that no one else seems to have. Even this though is a streotype. I was thinking it would be interesting to have a show that just shows them living their daily lives, sort of like an Indian 'seinfeld.' Just hanging out shooting the shit behaving like normal people. Of course indian culture has alot of mysticism in it but the whole thing is entirely overdone.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Impending doom

The feel of fall is in the air. The temps have gone down slighly and hilarity is about to descend upon us all. Thank god. Need to find a way to get back in the game. At least I have a few prospects that seem at least somewhat promising. Dont know how I got home last night or exactly what happened when I did get home. But its all good good times were had by all. Or where they? I think they were as I can't seem to remember any static. Then again I can't seem to remember anything. Social interaction is good though even though I am loath to particpate in it. Still this long strectch of involuntary celibacy must end somehow soon. Somehow. If only i were one of those Saudi princes with bank accounts with millions of dollars. I could have a harem with every type of broad I could possibly conceive of.