Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We went through all this fuckin trouble and someones skimming us

I find myself in somewhat of a funk. And not of the kind invented and mastered by such brilliant artists as James brown and George clinton but rather of the meloncholy nature. Not really a profound crushing sense of defeat, more of a subtle, general feeling of loathing. Oh well what are you gonna do. I was just thinking about goodfellas and what a brilliant and hilarious film it truly is. There are plenty of brilliant scenes in it but I think one of my favorites is after Deniro, pesci, and Ray liotta have beaten the shit of the guy in the club and stop of at Joe pesci's mothers house to get a knife. They end up awakening her and despite Pesci's plea that she go back so sleep she ends up inviting them in and making them all food as she hasn't seen pesci in a long time. As they are eating she ends up showing them one of her paintings. It is a portrait of an old man and two dogs going the other way. "One dogs going this way and other dogs going the other way and this guys like 'hey what do you want from me?" Pesci comments. "It looks like someone we know." Deniro comments as the painting bears a strong resemblence to the fellow presently in the back of their trunk.

Friday, September 12, 2008


There was this movie a while back called 'what women want.' Some kind of Mel gibson viechle where he could hear what women were thinking. By golly that would be a diesel and hilarious skill to have. They are like the vietcong, mysterious guerilla warriors hiding in the dark jungles waiting to spring traps on you. I know their out there. Indeed a whole pleathora of people in the world are hooking up with each other all the time. The question remains is how. I need that character from that movie 'hitch'. Will smith the date doctor who just shows dudes how to talk to females. Ahh yes then I would be quite a happy man.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I've had the time of my life

Godamn you women with your soft bodies and intense allure. You intice us all with your mystique and yet you require such time and effort to obtain. You are the exact oppisote of your male counterpart, soft where the other is hard, mysterious where the latter is conspicous. Ughhh... I feel filled with intense loathing. You and your godamn vaginas and their intense appeal. I dont know right now it all sucks but what im trying to say is stop being so godamn enigmatic stop being so hard to understand. I mean what the fuck a decent chap hasn't got a damn shot in this town.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Late night ruminations.

There was this girl at work that I used to talk to. I met her when I was at the deli counter and she said she wanted some roast beef. She wanted to pick it up later at 2AM when she was going to take her break. I had to inform her sadly that alas, by that hour all of the deli personell would have long since gone. She had a strange hairdo Amy, a kind of half mohwak affair that went down her back. That was what had intruiged me the most. I felt that someone with such an uorthodox style of hair would somehow share a similiar veiw of the world as myself. So I saw her later in the break room and we chatted and seemed to click somehow. I was somehwhat interested in her even though I knew she was seeing someone because she told me in one of our first conversations as a sort of offhand remark. So it was that we would exchange oucassional exchanges for a few moments when he saw each other. I always felt inspired somehow when I saw her my spirits were raised just a slight bit, and the world seemed to be ok. Still it was kind of strange she seemed somewhat inspired by me but after a while our conversations ceased. In part it was because I felt kind of strange after I got a girlfriend to be speaking to her. Its strange how the issue of sex seems to be a kind of impediment for men/women relationships. I was talking to a former friend of mine who espoused the view that there were no male female relationships were the male wasn't harboring at least some hope of banging the female. And it is easy to understand this prespective . Still it seems somewhat sweeping to say that such a union is entirely impossible and has never existed. In some ways I felt more intruiged by Amy then attracted to her. She seemed somewhat enigmatic and interesting. I had heard later that she got another job and it saddened me. Still for a few months anyway I felt that we had a sort of association that despite being breif had affected me strongly.